It’s the height of geek season as Comic-Con International takes over San Diego, California, drawing tens of thousands of comics, movies and genre entertainment fans from around the world to gather for a pop culture phenomenon. Frank, Scott, Trish and Frank take a fun look at the explosion of fan conventions, the studio dominance of Comic-Con panels, and the fashion trend of cosplay creations.

Comic Con: The Geeks Awaken

by Damn Dirty Geeks

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The Damn Dirty Geeks discuss the pros and cons of the biggest con of them all, while also giving smaller conventions like WonderCon, Monsterpalooza , Sinister Creature Con and others their due credit as events which can offer a more personal experience for many fans who — like us — can easily feel overwhelmed by the massive volume of humanity that is Comic-Con.

Frank Dietz's program collection from some popular and historic fan conventions as the Damn Dirty Geeks talk Comic-Con in our latest podcast episode.

Appearing at the Comic-Con panel for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS are (L to R) Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford on July 10, 2015. Photo © Lucasfilm 2015We also share our reactions to the STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS panel and making-of video presented at Comic-Con on Friday evening as the bona fide highlight of the 2015 San Diego event. Disney and Lucasfilm didn’t share any new scenes or trailers with the throng in Hall H, but wowed audiences nonetheless with a spectacular making-of reel that showed off even more of Episode VII’s practical sets and effects. Saga veteran actors Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford joined their co-stars to further tantalize STAR WARS fans with their own enthusiasm for the film releasing this December.

The cons are definitely on, and the Damn Dirty Geeks encourage everyone to attend conventions when and where they can for a unique group and individual fan experience. Be sure to look for the DDG when we attend and appear at conventions, too!


It’s the height of geek season as Comic-Con International takes over San Diego, California. Frank, Scott, Trish and Frank take a fun look at the explosion of fan conventions, the studio dominance of Comic-Con panels, and the fashion trend of cosplay creations.

COMIC-CON INTERNATIONAL – annual convention celebrating comics and related art in San Diego, CA website
WONDER-CON  – annual sister convention of Comic-Con being held in Los Angeles March 25-27, 2016 website
MONSTERPALOOZA – bi-annual horror convention celebrating all things monsters in Burbank, CA  website
SINISTER CREATURE CON – celebrating horror October 17-18, 2015 in Sacramento, CA  website
STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS – watch the Comic-Con making-of production reel for Episode VII on YouTube 


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“Damn Dirty Geeks” is © 2014 Sketchy Things Productions. All rights reserved.

You can find further info and episode show notes on our Damn Dirty Geeks Facebook page. Artwork is © 2001 Frank Dietz.