As October and Halloween approach, the Damn Dirty Geeks revisit the horror genre with an energized episode featuring indie horror filmmaker Izzy Lee, discussing her body of work and discussing the long overdue growth of female directors and talent in the genre.

Lee’s dark, evocative films including INNSMOUTH, POSTPARTUM and A FAVOR deliver the director’s signature touch of short, sharp shocks that challenge viewers in the best tradition of taboo, controversial horror tales of Clive Barker.

Filmmaker Izzy Lee on Lovecraft Horror

by Damn Dirty Geeks

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Lee’s INNSMOUTH also ventures into the nightmarish landscape of H.P. Lovecraft’s horror realm but with a distinctive feminine perspective that adds new layers of interpretation of and impact from the author’s original view of physical horror.

The DDG gladly explore Lee’s work as another welcome female voice in the horror genre which — despite other strong women directors including Ana Lily Amirpour, Jennifer Kent, Maude Michaud, the Soska Sisters and others — remains woefully short on representing a fair and realistic ratio of women writers and directors. But as we discuss, we hope that Lee and her like will alter that reality in the near future as their work gains more prominence in festivals, signings and picture deals.

Horror would benefit from more and stronger female presence in the genre and industry, and the Damn Dirty Geeks will continue our efforts to give these talented women the recognition and exposure their excellent work merits. Enjoy our latest episode and get into the Halloween horror mood with Izzy Lee!


Izzy Lee’s production company website:

INNSMOUTH teaser trailer:

POSTPARTUM teaser trailer:

A FAVOR teaser trailer:


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