The Damn Dirty Geeks were pleased to learn that our podcast was recently included in the list of Top Ten Geek Podcasts You Should Check Out Now on Huffington Post. Fellow filmmaker Eric Sharkey contributed this article to HuffPo, which you can read in its entirety at the link above.
Eric was kind to include the DDG with our fellow podcasts like The Movie Crypt, I Sell Comics, Nerdist, Rebel Force Radio, Shock Waves, Hollywood Babble On, The Indy Cast, The Jock and Nerd, and How Did This Get Made?
We’re honored to be in such great company on this list, and our thanks to Eric for his surprise inclusion of the DDG in his article!
The DDG welcome you to check out the article on HuffPo, and share it with your friends and fellow fans of genre movies, Apes, monster lovers and horror fans who aren’t subscribers to our podcast yet. Check out our most recent episode: our first live podcast recording from Monsterpalooza 2017 with special guests filmmaker Kirk R. Thatcher and Rondo Awards creator David Colton. It’s a ton of fun! More new episodes coming in May.